Tag: movie

2007 Aug 17

Hamlet DVD goodies: Part I

Got my copy of the Hamlet two-disc Special Edition DVD (order it now on Amazon!) yesterday and here’s the first goodies:

• Hamlet: DVD Screen captures – Movie
• Hamlet: DVD Screen captures – To Be on Camera: A History with Hamlet

• Hamlet: Trailer (re-uploaded with better quality)
• Hamlet: DVD Screen captures – To Be on Camera: A History with Hamlet

Check back later for movie clips!

2007 Aug 08

New “RR” pic!

Here’s a brand new pic from the set of Revolutionary Road, taken yesterday in Connecticut. It’s Kate with Leo and child actors Ty and Ry Simpkins.

• Revolutionary Road: Promotional Stills

Photo courtesy

2007 Jul 25

Queen of the World

Her spirits sank after her Titanic success, but now a soaring Kate Winslet is

Queen of the World

For millions of people, Kate Winslet will forever be the woman standing on the bow of the Titanic with Leonardo DiCaprio, her arms spread in exultation. But even as she was starring in one of the big screen’s greatest love stories — and Titanic was becoming the most popular movie in history — Winslet was suffering through a personal romantic tragedy that would change her life.
“Looking back, I see what I was dealing with when Titanic came out”, Winslet says. “I had a lot of pain, and I was confused about who I was.”

Continue reading Queen of the World

2007 Jul 21

‘Jude’ – widescreen captures

I got my new copy of Jude early this week and it’s widescreen, so I’ve replaced the old fullscreen captures with new widescreen ones.

• Jude: DVD Screen captures – Movie

2007 Jul 13

Route 8 closes for DiCaprio, Winslet movie filming

The stars from Titanic are making a splash in Beacon Falls with filming for their new movie, but it will mean detours for drivers tonight on Route 8.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are filming scenes for their upcoming movie Revolutionary Road.

The movie is based on the novel by Richard Yates. It looks at “a young couple living in a Connecticut suburb during the mid-1950s (struggling) to come to terms with their personal problems while trying to raise their two children”, according to a plot outline on IMDB.com.

There will be a bit of a traffic detour because of shooting. State police say Route 8 between Exits 23 and 24 will be closed from 7:00 p.m. tonight until 5:00 a.m. Friday.

Source: Wnth.com

2007 Jul 12

Pics from 3 days of filming “RR”

• Revolutionary Road: On the Set – June 14, 2007
• Revolutionary Road: On the Set – June 19, 2007
• Revolutionary Road: On the Set – July 11, 2007 (unsure of the exact date, please contact me if you know)

Sources: 1 and 2

2007 Jul 11

“Everybody’s Fine”, New Role

By Martin A. Grove

[…] Also on Nunnari’s current development slate is Everybody’s Fine, a remake of the 1990 Italian drama Stanno Tutti Bene that was directed by Giuseppe Tornatore and starred Marcello Mastroianni and won the Ecumenical Jury prize at the Cannes Film Festival as well as being a Palme d’Or nominee. “Everybody’s Fine is a fantastic project. Kirk Jones (Waking Ned Devine) is attached to direct. He wrote the script. It’s one of my dearest pieces of material. (Jones) is an unbelievable filmmaker. He doesn’t make (as many) movies as the audience would prefer. He’s very precise about what he wants to do. He turns down many, many things.

“A couple of years ago we decided to develop this material. We have a fantastic cast, which includes (Robert) De Niro and Kate Winslet and probably (will include other stars). I mean, we’re in the middle of casting, so those things are subject to every negotiation. De Niro and Winslet had a fantastic read through of the script with the director. They loved the material and we’re working on putting it together. De Niro and Winslet definitely want to make this movie.” […]

Source: The Hollywood Reporter