We are going through a major membership clean out.
If you have less than 10 posts in such period of time since you registered on the forums, please start posting or you are at risk of being deleted in the future clean-outs.
Also, please let us know if you are still interested in being a member of the forum (if your case is the above!). Remember that a member consists of reading AND posting messages, not just reading the topics.
We also ask you to read the Rules & Guidelines to posting. Do not spam or try to boost your post numbers. This will not be a place for people to try and reach a desired post number.
We are doing this not to be hard on you and make it difficult for everybody to interact with each other and have a good time. Actually, it’s exactly because of that that we decided to do this. Please understand that this will help keep the forum alive and active instead of full of people who register only to read and not participate.
Thank you,
The admins (Roberta and summerbreeze)
Please dont cut off my membership!
it woud be sad to lose membership .I try to put comment to posts that i find interesting. Now i have to see i’ll do it more often.