2010 Mar 08

Oscars 2010: more pics and videos!

Check out more pics of our astonishing English Rose at the Oscars last night:

And also, watch the red carpet interview and Best Actor presentation videos:

Kate Winslet was a bulldozer for Oscar winner Jeff Bridges. The actress, a winner last year for The Reader, presented Bridges with his Crazy Heart trophy and pulled him backstage, waving aside stagehands and declaring Bridges needed the place “to say other stuff, to thank the people he didn’t thank out there.”

She was referring to the academy’s thank-you cam, an Internet-only camera that records winners’ voluminous lists of names of people who need to be mentioned but were left out onstage. It’s meant to encourage winners to give more heartfelt speeches rather than read a litany of managers, agents, lawyers, friends and family.

“And here,” Winslet said, thrusting the open envelope with his name into his hands, “don’t lose this!”

Clearly, her take-charge attitude came from being a veteran.

• Award Ceremonies: 82nd Annual Academy Awards

• TV Appearances: 82nd Annual Academy Awards: TNT’s Red Carpet interview
• TV Appearances: 82nd Annual Academy Awards: Best Actor Presentation

3 Comments on “Oscars 2010: more pics and videos!”

  1. Wow! Stunning photos!
    Kate looks absolutely gorgeous!
    You really have done an amazing job on this website, i just love all the beautiful photos and videos !
    This is such a feel-good website !

    Thanks for making this site and keeping up-to-date !:)

  2. Oh, YES, thank you!!! We Kate fans appreciate all you are doing to bring us news and pictures of Kate.

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