2011 Aug 16

Two more frightening TV spots for “Contagion”

Director Steven Soderbergh’s upcoming Contagion is looking more like a horror movie than a viral thriller. The two TV spots released last week, added with last month’s debut trailer, show that Soderbergh has created a movie more on par with 28 Days Later… than Outbreak.

Starring Matt Damon as a Midwestern husband whose wife (Gwyneth Paltrow) is the first infected with a highly contagious virus, Contagion‘s highly-lauded ensemble also includes Academy Award winners Marion Cotillard and Kate Winslet, and Academy Award nominees Jude Law, Elliott Gould and Laurence Fishburne. Winslet told Entertainment Weekly (print edition) that the subject matter certainly scared the actors.

“It turned us all into cross-contamination freaks, for sure. There was a a huge bowl of jelly beans on the set. And I love jelly beans. Anything gummy, bring it on. So I went right for the bowl and Steven said,”Do you have any idea how many crew members I have seen put their hand in that bowl in the last few weeks?””

Here are 2 new TV spots for Contagion:

The first TV spot, titled “No One is Immune,” strikes at the very fear of germs that kept Winslet from enjoying a jelly bean on set.

The second TV spot, titled “The Truth,” makes it clear that no one in the cast is safe from being killed, something Soderbergh admitted to Entertainment Weekly he “sadistically” enjoyed while shooting.

“Oh yeah! Especially in the case of Gwyneth. She has a seizure, which was really creepy. That was really fun. She dies good.”

You can also download the videos from here:

Contagion opens September 9.