Author: Holly

2015 Oct 02

The Hilarious Reason Kate Winslet Keeps Her Oscar in Her Bathroom

Most of us have probably done it at one point in time: picked up a hairbrush or shampoo bottle and given an impromptu awards acceptance speech in the bathroom mirror. Kate Winslet knows this, and that’s precisely why the Oscar-winning actress chose the location where she keeps her Academy Award.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal Magazine in promotion of her new movie, “Steve Jobs,” Winslet discussed other significant roles throughout her career, including the one that won her the Best Actress statuette for 2008’s “The Reader.” And while Winslet told the magazine that she’s “super proud” of the honor, she admitted that she keeps it in her bathroom — not in an attempt at false modesty, like some celebs, but rather to share the wealth and feed her guests’ Oscar glory fantasies.

“The whole point is for everybody to pick it up and go, ‘I’d like to thank my son and my dad,'” Winslet explained, “—and you can always tell when someone has, because they’re in there a little bit longer after they flushed. They’ll come out looking slightly pink-cheeked. It’s hysterical.”

And while we’d probably get a little embarrassed, too, there’s no way we wouldn’t grab that little gold guy if we ever had the chance to visit Winslet’s house. We’re just glad the actress has a sense of humor about it — and lets her guests act out their dreams in (relative) private.


2015 Sep 26

Insurgent HD Catures and Production Stills

I have added stills and captures from the movie Insurgent to our gallery. Thanks goes to Jen for the captures!

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Gallery Links:

Movie Productions > Divergent Series: Insurgent > Production Stills

Movie Productions > Divergent Series: Insurgent > HD Captures

2015 Sep 16

Kate Winslet Couldn’t Stop Laughing During this Scene with Liam Hemsworth

2015 Sep 15

Allegiant Trailer Has Arrived

2015 Sep 15

Red Carpet Video for “The Dressmaker” Premiere at TIFF

THE DRESSMAKER starring Academy Award winner Kate Winslet at TIFF 2015 from Red Carpet Diary on Vimeo.

2015 Aug 30

Kate Winslet Was Really Determined To Be In The Steve Jobs Movi

Kate Winslet is set to play Joanna Hoffman in the new movie about Steve Jobs’ life.

Hoffman was one of Apple’s first employees, and she is known for standing up to the Apple co-founder.

From the moment she heard about the role, Winslet wanted it. But she looks nothing like brown haired, Polish-Armenian Hoffman.

In a recent interview with Vulture, Winslet spoke about how she managed to convince producer Scott Rudin that she was right for the part:

“So I put a wig on my head and scrubbed my face of all makeup. I took one photograph of myself, and, lucky me, I have an email address of one Mr. Scott Rudin, and I just sent him the photo with no subject. Soon there’s this call saying, okay, okay, can Danny come and meet with Kate in Australia? And I’m like, “Holy f–k, what have I started?” They sent me the script, and immediately I thought, This is amazing, I really want to play this part. I had the meeting with Danny, and I just said, “This is how I would play this part, this is who I believe that she is,” and he said, “I want you to play this part.” So then cut to three and a half weeks later, I’m in a rehearsal room in San Francisco. We rehearsed each act like a play and then filmed it in order from start to finish.”

Michael Fassbender is leading the cast as Steve Jobs, and Seth Rogen will play Steve Wozniak.

The film is due to be released this October.


2015 Aug 13

Kate Winslet Fan has a New Home with @freefansitehost

Due to circumstances beyond our control, our old host had to close it’s doors. After a few days of searching, I decided to go with FreeFansiteHosting – Please bare with me while I make sure everything is working on the site! It may take me a little while, but if you run into any errors, please just comment to this post and let me know. Thank you!