Tag: site

2009 Apr 17


If you are a frequent visitor and enjoy the site, please consider supporting us by donating. All donations will be used to improve this site.

Just $8.00 can help keep the site alive.
This site is 100% non-profit and I pay for everything on my own and being a student it can be hard to afford hosting, buying DVDs, magazines and other things. I make absolutely no income via Kate Winslet Fan and I do pay out of my own pocket to help run this site. If you’re an admirer of Kate’s work and you visit the site often and want to support us, please consider making a donation. Anything and everything helps!

All donations will be used to improve the site and no contribution will go unrecognized!

Please click on the “Make A Donation” button on the sidebar or go here.

Note: If you don’t have PayPal, you can send the money to me via mail, just e-mail me so I can give you my home address.

2008 Nov 08

Another cry for help

Dear friends and visitors,

As you are well aware of, this season will be busy for Kate. She’s going to attend several premieres, festivals, interviews and award shows. That’s the reason why I ask all of you to please contribute with what you can afford so I can provide all the best pics of our dearest actress. Even the smallest amounts can be helpful.

Please click here to donate via PayPal.
To those of you who don’t have PayPal, you can send money through mail. Informations on this can also be found at the link above.

I kindly thank you in advance for all the help you can give. It’s people like you that keep this site alive and good. :)

2008 Sep 14

KWF needs you!

Dear visitors and fans,

Since I’ve got a new job starting my own business now, I won’t have the time nor the money to run this site all by myself anymore. Therefore, I’m looking for a dedicated person who can afford to help me run KWF.

If you’re interested, you must:

– Be familiar with HTML/PHP
– Know how to use WordPress
– Be familiar with Photoshop
– Have some spare time to dedicate to the site
– Do a lot of research to find new stuff about Kate
– Have PayPal
– Have a scanner
– Have a similar ‘work ethics’ to mine
– Be able to acquire magazines, pictures, DVDs, clippings, etc., meaning you’re willing to buy them.

Please send your e-mail to roberta@kate-winslet.net saying why you should be the new webmaster on KWF.

Thank you,

I would like to welcome Richard as the new co-web here at KWF!!! He will be helping with posting news and scans. :D

2008 Aug 27

Upcoming pics

Hey guys, here’s the deal:

As you may know, Kate has two big upcoming films about to open. In order to get the best shots from all the premieres and award shows (she will probably be nominated for one, if not both her roles in The Reader and Revolutionary Road) I will need some money. So I’m asking for all KWF supporters to donate what you can to help me bring you a bunch of pictures. All the money will be used for those pictures and nothing else. I’ll be forever thankful for this! Just click the link below to make your donation! :)

If you can’t open the PayPal page by clicking the button above, click here.